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When the Vata Body Type goes Out Of Balance!

Previously, we spoke about the qualities of a balanced Vata body type and their adventurous and outgoing nature with which they embrace newness. But like every coin has a flip side, Vatas can be really difficult when they go out of balance. Generally, when the Vata in the body aggravates, that is when there is an imbalance.

· Vata, as a force, is made up of two Elements – Air and Space, and hence when the Vata body type goes out of balance, their mood and health changes in no time. They become unstable, anxious, lethargic and weak.

· Vata affects the areas of body like the colon, brain, ears, bones, joints and skin. Hence, the Vatas become highly susceptible to diseases such as cold or aching joints, dry skin and hair, constipation, indigestion, twitches and in extreme cases, nerve disorders and mental confusion.

· It is very difficult for the Vata body type to maintain healthy eating and sleeping habits. In the state of imbalance, they feel it is almost impossible to get back to normalcy and they deteriorate mentally and physically as they become self-defeating and negative.

Here are some of the major drawbacks that a Vata body type tends to face when experiencing imbalance:

· Prana Vata (Force that governs the mind and thoughts): Instability, anxiety, nervousness, fear, sleep disorders, asthma.

· Udana Vata (Force that governs the physical strength): Fever, cough and cold, body pain, fatigue.

· Samana Vata (Digestion and eating habits): Indigestion, gas, cramps, eating disorders.

· Apana Vata (Elimination of toxins and wastes): Menstrual problems and cramps, lower back pain, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation.

· Vyana Vata (Force that governs the nervous system): Dryness of skin, hair fall, nervousness, stress-related problems.

These are some of the drastic changes the Vata body type faces when out of balance. The imbalance is easy to overcome with a healthy lifestyle, accompanied with a great diet and workout, which we will explain in detail in our next article. Till then, keep following us and make sure you are eating and sleeping right.

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